The purposeful transfer of digital image data to electronic media on digital pictures using computer algorithms is called Digital Image Processing. Today, this technology plays an active role almost everywhere in our lives and has become an indispensable part of many disciplines.


History of Digital Image Processing

In fact, the history of digital image processing dates back to a century ago. It started in the early 1920s when the newspaper industry sent data between London and New York via submarine cables. With this system, they managed to reduce a painting that took about 10 days to less than 3 hours.


Image processing systems that started 100 years ago;

  • Signal Processing
  • Computerized Photography
  • Computer Vision
  • Graphic
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistics
  • It formed the basis of subjects such as Applied Mathematics and is still at its core.

What is Digital Image Processing?

Digital Image Processing is the process called digital image processing by computer and getting a new result output. While doing this process, it takes output at three levels in the most general terms. These;

  • Low Level Operation
  • Intermediate Operation
  • It can be classified as High Level Operation. At these levels, it produces output by performing increasingly difficult operations such as image transfer, distinguishing and understanding its features.

If we explain these processes with examples; weather analysis devices, face recognition systems, x-ray devices, bomb detection devices, license plate recognition systems, photography and video
applications, satellite systems, ultrasound and tomography, etc. It has a wide range of uses such as medical devices and sensor systems.


Digital Image Processing Usage Areas

Digital image processing system has been playing a critical role in improving and accelerating people's needs for over a century. It has a wide range of uses including communication, communication, medicine and software.

Today, it plays an active role in tomography and ultrasound devices, satellite and communication devices, face recognition and security systems, underwater and space studies, video games, genetic algorithms and even digital art works.

With the development of image processing technology, deep learning and artificial intelligence, its effectiveness is increasing rapidly in our daily lives and its necessity is spreading gradually.

Image Processing Methods and Image Processing Algorithms

Digital image processing methods and algorithms vary depending on variables such as how the image is obtained in the processing technique, the purpose of use, and the color scale. We can list the image processing algorithms in the developed methods as follows;

  • HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
  • GLCM (Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix)
  • CCM (Color Co-Occurrence Matrix)
  • PCA (Principal Components Analysis)
  • SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)
  • SURF (Speeded-up Robust Features)